Monday 27 August 2012

Orphic hymn 1 to Hecate

Hecate of the wayside ,who frequents crossroads, Lovely dame, of earthly, watery and celestial frame, around tombs, in a saffron veil arrayed, pleased with dark ghosts that wander through the shade;  destroyer, solitary goddess, hail! The world’s key bearer, never doomed to fail; In stags rejoicing, huntress, nightly seen, and drawn by bulls, unconquerable queen; leader, nymphe, nurse on mountains wandering, hear the suppliants who with holy rites thy power revere, and to the herdsman with a favouring mind draw near…

I've further refined this so it can be sung in verse..

Lady Hecate of the wayside crossroads
Ruler of the heavens the earth and seas
Frequenting tombs in a veil of saffron 
With ghosts in shadows she speaks.

Hail the destroyer and solitary goddess 
The bearer of the wold's keys never shall fail
Rejoicing in stags, huntress seen nightly
And pulled by bulls unconquerable queen.

leader, nymph, wandering nurse on the mountains
in all our rites your power we reverie
draw thou near to the humble herdsman
with a favoring mind draw near.

Thursday 16 August 2012

Brown and Black Bitches..


Fox and Raven being inquisitive 

The old girl prompted my hand to acquire a beautiful black bitch in time for this new moon in Leo. I have had her for about a month now and she and her sister 'Fox' are settling in very well.

Monday 13 August 2012

Happy Hecate Day (August 13th)

Thanks to an overwhelming desire to do some research, no doubt a nudge from the lady herself, it has come to my attention that today August 13th is one  three festival days ascribed to Hecate, the other two being May 3rd and November 16th. 

and as we all know even as far back as 350-300 BCE  there can be no festival without dancing... so here is an Etruscan image of Hecate holding two torches and dancing in front of an altar beyond which is a cult statue

 later I will be raising a chalice of mead to the waning moon and the torch bearer herself.. happy hecate day to you all ...

for working tonight... 
Gems- obsidian, hermatite, black onyx
Symbols- crossroads, blazing torch, black hounds
Moon phase- waning to dark moon (but especially dark moon)
Call on Hecate for - justice, banishings, protection, prophecy, divination and inner self
Number - 3
Herbs - mugwort, wormwood, aconite, willow, mandrake, garlic, lavender....